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  1. Jin

    Porsche Marketing Department...

    did see this doing the rounds and made me chuckle!
  2. Jin

    UK Lease/Salary Sacrifice Order Tracker

    Hi, Taking inspiration from @whan (thanks!) and his wider order tracker sheet, I've put something similar together to track UK Lease/salary sacrifice orders. Hopefully useful to keep an eye on which lease companies and dealers our orders are going through. The form to add your data can be...
  3. Jin

    (UK) 4s Order placed - what next?

    hi all, first post so be gentle! :CWL: I've recently placed an order for a 4s through my work scheme via Lex Autolease. I know I've got a long old wait ahead of me (been told March 2024!) but I'm trying to get my head around how and when things like TYD might become available? my first...
